ADHD/autism tips: eating and food #parenting #food #arfid #adhd #autism

ADHD/autism tips: eating and food #parenting #food #arfid #adhd #autism

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Publish Date:
26 October, 2023
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This video looks at how 'traditional' approaches to eating and food, often by parents from the older generations, can be unhelpful with people who struggle with food or eating, including those with ARFID.

It explores tips and suggestions around how to move away from these approaches, and look at changes you could make that might take away some of the stress around eating or food, and better support yourself or your child.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a nutritionist or dietitian, nor am I medically trained, so if you have any concerns at all, please do consider speaking with a specialist. These are tips aimed at those with no significant health issues around food or eating, or already under the support of a medical practitioner.

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