How to study languages consistently with a full-time job: the tiny habits method

How to study languages consistently with a full-time job: the tiny habits method

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Publish Date:
1 October, 2022
Learning Languages
Video License
Standard License
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The ideas in this video are based on the book :
📘Fogg, Brian J. Tiny habits: The small changes that change everything. Eamon Dolan Books, 2019.
Some of the ideas are inspired by another book on behavioural science:
📘Clear, James. Atomic habits: An easy & proven way to build good habits & break bad ones. Penguin, 2018.

00:00 Intro
01:04 Can you still learn a language if you don't have the time?
02:40 The Fogg Behavior Model
03:39 Ability
05:31 Prompt

Daily routine vlog:
🇫🇷【French Vlog】A day in the life of a polyglot PhD student in sociology

Here are my other videos about language learning tips:
⭐️How to START learning a new languages on your own?Step by step tips!
⭐️How to make a good study plan to learn a language effectively ?
⭐️How do I study 6 languages simultaneously? Challenges and practical tips
⭐️How to learn vocabulary in a smart and effective way?
⭐️How to improve your speaking skills by yourself? The shadow boxing technique!
⭐️3 tips for learning a language effectively on your own

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