If you're a toddler parent, then you've probably said the phrase "use your words" at some point during your child's tantrum or meltdown in an attempt to get them to communicate what they want or need. While this sounds like a totally logical way to support our toddlers during times of distress, it can actually cause even MORE problems and stress for both parent and child.
In this video, I'll tell you WHY saying this common phrase is a problem and what you SHOULD do instead to support your child during a tantrum or meltdown.
❤️ Grab my FREE Guide for Helping Little Ones Manage BIG Feelings
👉🏼 https://bit.ly/emotion-coaching-guide
❤️ Need more help with toddler tantrums? Check out my mini-course, Taming Toddler Tantrums
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❤️ Subscribe here! → https://bit.ly/30L9W71
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*Keeping it honest✌🏼: This video contains affiliate links. If you decide to make a purchase through one of these links, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you, which is VERY much appreciated. 💕 As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
⭐️ My favorite products for "mom life" 👉🏼 http://innovativefaves.com AND https://bit.ly/PocketfulofParentingLTK⭐️
📚 Audiobooks have been a LIFESAVER to get some good reads in while multitasking! Try Audible FREE for 30 days! (Trust me, you'll thank me!) 👉🏼 https://amzn.to/3plmqMQ
Watch More Here 👇🏼
💗 Help Your Child Learn About Big Emotions with a Calming Corner
👉🏼 https://youtu.be/WVwKjDm4yto?si=VBMiqIMWhe77sIql
💗 Reasons Why Your Toddler is Misbehaving
💗 What You NEED to Know About Toddlers to Make Parenting EASIER
👉🏼 https://youtu.be/xpbxsgdxebU?si=7PYQg789Izlekski
♡ For more toddler parenting tips, check out my website: https://pocketfulofparenting.com
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Welcome to Pocketful of Parenting (formerly The Innovative Momma)! I’m Jess - a Parenting Coach, Certified Positive Discipline Educator, former preschool/kindergarten teacher & momma!
Parenting is TOUGH - especially in the early years where the sleep is little and the feelings are BIG. My mission is to help reframe the idea of the “terrible twos,” “threenagers,” and “fournados” to help parents LOVE LIFE WITH LITTLES!
I provide science-based information on your child’s developing brain to help you gain a better understanding and form a deeper connection with your little one. I’ll also be sharing tools you can use to help your child get through their big emotions while keeping your cool in the process. (Say “bye-bye” to yelling, bribes, threats & punishments!)
You’ll also find easy play activities to help support your child’s development across multiple areas, such as: fine and gross motor skills, cognitive development, social-emotional development, and language development.
#toddlerdevelopment #parentingtips #toddlertantrums