The Plant-Powered Vegan Diet To Eliminate Diabetes Medication!

The Plant-Powered Vegan Diet To Eliminate Diabetes Medication!

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Sherimane Johnson went vegan later in her life. She grew up in a food desert in Harlem, where she and her grandmother had to walk across the city to buy vegetables. Sherimane experienced her grandmother having to deal with insulin-dependent #diabetes and wanted to stop the progression toward the same illness that she was on by changing her diet.

She ended up starting a few businesses as a result. Today, Sherimane runs Plant-Powered Shift to help others make the transition to veganism on Mighty Networks.

Let’s power up the #VegEconomy together! Looking for a specific type of vegan professional? Vegan business? Vegan product? vKind is an easy-to-use digital platform that makes it simple for everyone, from vegans to veg-curious, to find and support #plantbased businesses, professionals offering products and services, and even cruelty-free, healthy, and eco-friendly experiences. If it's vegan you'll find it on VKIND.COM!


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