Learn Java Programming For Beginners with Spring Boot | Step By Step Guide

Learn Java Programming For Beginners with Spring Boot | Step By Step Guide

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00:00:00 Course Introduction
00:02:24 Install JDK 21 on Windows
00:11:27 Install JDK 21 on Mac
00:16:07 Install JDK 21 on Ubuntu
00:19:05 Installing and Setting up IntelliJ Idea on Windows, Mac and Ubuntu
00:27:55 How Java Works
00:30:17 Writing Your First Java Program
00:35:52 Using AI to Learn Java Inside Your IDE for Free
00:43:19 Overview of IntelliJ Idea
00:46:20 Comments in Java
00:51:39 What Are Identifiers in Java?
00:59:10 What Are Reserved Words in Java?
01:04:47 What Are Variables?
01:12:56 Understanding Byte, Short, Int, Long
01:17:22 When Should You Use Byte, Short, Int
01:19:26 Understanding Float and Double Data Type
01:24:32 Understanding Char and Boolean
01:28:24 Arithmetic Operators in Java
01:37:02 Increment and Decrement Operators in Java
01:52:35 Facts About Increment and Decrement
02:01:55 Relational Operators in Java
02:07:32 Logical Operators in Java
02:12:42 Assignment Operators in Java
02:15:46 Implicit Typecasting in Java
02:23:08 Explicit Typecasting in Java
02:28:59 Types of Assignment Statements in Java
02:36:29 Conditional Operator or Ternary Operator
02:44:05 Accepting Input From User
02:52:41 Swap Two Variables Using Third Variable
02:57:40 If...Else in Java
03:04:00 Facts About If...Else Statement in Java
03:15:08 Coding Challenge: To Understand If...Else
03:19:37 Nested If and Laddered If
03:26:15 Coding Challenge: To Understand Nested If
03:32:40 While Loop in Java
03:37:41 Facts About While Loop in Java
04:08:00 Coding Challenge - To Understand While Loop
04:17:44 Do While in Java
04:22:16 Facts About Do While Loop in Java
04:41:34 Coding Challenge: To Understand Do While
04:48:42 For Statement in Java
04:55:25 Facts About For Loop in Java - Part 1
05:10:12 Facts About For Loop in Java - Part 2
05:19:48 Coding Challenge: To Understand For Loop
05:23:41 For Each Loop (Enhanced For Loop)
05:32:36 Switch Statement in Java
05:42:01 Facts About Switch Statement
05:51:43 Break Statement in Java
05:54:11 Continue Statement in Java
05:56:09 Fall-Through Inside Switch Statement in Java
06:03:53 Default Case in Java
06:07:41 Coding Challenge: Let's Test Our Understanding of Switch and Break Statement
06:12:31 What Are Methods?
06:18:53 Methods With Parameters
06:24:14 Returning Value From Method
06:33:45 Conceptual Overview: Classes and Objects
06:46:50 Classes and Objects: Part II
06:57:04 New Keyword and Memory Allocation
07:06:59 What Are Constructors
07:18:12 Polymorphism in Java
07:20:07 Inheritance in Java
07:28:26 What Are Arrays in Java
07:31:58 Creating and Using Arrays
07:44:10 What Are Packages in Java
07:49:20 Creating a Package
07:56:37 Using Class Declared in Package
08:09:25 Subpackages in Java
08:14:30 Why Collections?
08:21:07 Collection vs Collection Framework
08:24:56 Collection Framework - An Overview
08:30:50 List Interface
08:34:09 ArrayList - Concept and Design
08:45:14 Creating and Using ArrayList
09:00:20 Real World Example: ArrayList to Implement
09:09:31 ArrayList Challenge
09:13:24 Java IO and Streams
09:17:41 Types of Streams in IO
09:23:38 Creating a File
09:31:53 Using File Object
09:37:26 Overview of Different Stream Classes
09:43:48 Using FileWriter Class
09:56:03 Using FileReader Class
10:08:44 Using BufferedReader Class
10:20:15 Using BufferedWriter Class
10:26:37 Coding Challenge: Merge All Contents Of
10:34:46 Learn Spring Boot | Build a REST API Using Java Spring Boot