Child discipline is one of the hardest parts of parenting. But it doesn't have to be. With our ABC-patented discipline techniques, your child will shape up and start acting like someone who is worthy of respect.
Written by and starring: Arthur Meyer
Co-starring: Stephanie Drake
Director/Producer: Rachel Cantor
Editor/DP: Matt Hunziker
Assistant Director: Yael Nachajon
Production Designer: Kat DeNeve
Production Sound: Pete Christmann
Production Assistants: Sophia Stio & Sophie Isbell
GFX + Motion GFX: Mike Wechsler & Julia Rettig
Music: John Haskell
Social + Marketing Assist: Nathan Cykiert
Parent Question: Nate Fernald
Parent #34: Jon Daly
Parent #35: Jess Dweck
Parent #36: Ben Warheit
Parent #37: Georgie Aldaco
Parent #38: Carmen Christopher
Lundy Kid #1: Camille Benedetti
Lundy Kid #2: Willa Bruggebrew
Lundy Kid #3: Ella Hughes
Portuguese Goat: Elsa Bermudez
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