AITA for having my Husband w/ me for the Holidays - Reddit Storytime

AITA for having my Husband w/ me for the Holidays - Reddit Storytime

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0:00 - Intro
0:00 - AITA for telling my brother the truth on why I don’t ask him for anything?
2:55 - AITA for Showing No Emotion to my Family over my Vegetarianism
5:20 - AITA for not defending my bf when my brother asked him to leave
8:29 - AITA for selling the Nintendo Switch my aunt got me for Christmas?
10:25 - AITA for Making Noise in the Gym?
12:23 - AITA for telling my cousin it’s her own fault that she’s single and broke?
15:51 - AITA for uninviting some of my husband’s friends from a trip they planned while we were separated?
17:36 - AITA for not wanting any and everybody to use my bathroom?
19:50 - AITA for not giving my husband a pass on doing Christmas morning without me
22:22 - AITA got telling my mon she is NEVER to tell her UFO story to my kids?
25:54 - AITA for not wanting to spend New Year's Eve with my husband's kids?
28:49 - AITA for wanting my mom to turn down a cruise to be there for my college decision letter.
32:03 - AITA for reporting my neighbor to CPS?
34:52 - AITA for not providing food for my friend's dad?
36:28 - AITA for refusing to turn off the camera in my bedroom while guests stay over?
39:37 - AITA for having my Husband w/ me for the Holidays
43:02 - WIBTA for leaving my friend's wedding party during the father-daughter dance?

#AITA #reddit #stories #drama

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