Tarotscapes - Lucid Streaming 1.5 hour Binaural Beats - Relax Meditation Calming Stress Relief Dream

Tarotscapes - Lucid Streaming 1.5 hour Binaural Beats - Relax Meditation Calming Stress Relief Dream

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Publish Date:
9 November, 2022
Video License
Standard License
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This is the 1.5 hour version of the second in our new series of Tarotscapes audio recordings. This version is intended for individual sessions of meditation, remote viewing, or just general relaxation.

If you've watched our MOT videos you know that there's some questionable motives behind some of the most popular meditation audio on the market today. We have been asked multiple times "Whats safe to use?". As such, we've decided to bring out our own series of brain enhancement recordings, guaranteed to be completely unadulterated and safe for use.

This track is intended to aid in reaching the "Mental Access Window" which allows for lucid dreaming, astral projection, manifestation and inspiration.

This isn't just binaural beats, this technology is a new and unique combination of cutting edge neuroscience and brainwave entrainment techniques packaged in one easy to use recording.

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