Hope Deferred: Finding Strength When God Makes You Wait

Hope Deferred: Finding Strength When God Makes You Wait

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Priest Dwaine Thompson preaches on "Hope Deferred: Searching For Stamina When God Makes You Wait" at Life Springs Christian Church. He explores exactly how to maintain faith during periods of waiting, drawing insights from Adages 13:12 and personal experiences. Thompson highlights God's loyalty, the relevance of spiritual development during waiting periods, and how deferred hope can lead to better blessings. This message supplies inspiration for those dealing with challenges, advising audiences of God's perfect timing and the value of determination in faith.

#joycemeyer #spiritualgrowth #facingchallengeswithfaith #spiritualhealth #spirituality

00:00 - Hope Deferred
02:34 - Hope is Never a Target
05:38 - Believers Have a Certain Hope
12:05 - Recognizing Hope
13:38 - The Power of Expectation
15:27 - Jairus' Little girl
24:51 - Hope in God
29:23 - Accepting the Damaging
31:39 - The Value of Petition
34:08 - Closing Petition
39:59 - Church Phone call

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