What Garden Bugs are Eating My Plant Leaves? | DIY Bug Killer Mix

What Garden Bugs are Eating My Plant Leaves? | DIY Bug Killer Mix

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➪ What garden bugs are eating your plant leaves and vegetables? Identify common garden pests and use a DIY bug killer mix to control them! Look for leaf patterns and signatures that most garden bugs, insects and critters leave behind. This organic DIY solution of neem oil and dish soap will naturally control your garden pest problems all season long! A simple garden spray will prevent major damage in your garden and get rid of aphids, cabbage worms, beetles, snails and more!

0:00 Intro
0:23 Got Bugs?
1:07 Leaf Signatures
1:51 What is Neem Oil?
2:31 The Solution
2:59 Spray Them Away


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#DIY #bugs #garden #lauracotediy

Gardening tips, pest control, garden, neem oil, pest control, natural pesticide, home remedies, organic vegetable gardening, garden pest identification