How to HOMESCHOOL Online for FREE 2022! Yes, YOU CAN!

How to HOMESCHOOL Online for FREE 2022! Yes, YOU CAN!

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Publish Date:
29 July, 2024
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So, you want to homeschool for free online? In this video, we'll be discussing how you can homeschool for free online.

There are plenty of free homeschooling websites online and I introduce the ones below to you in this video. Hope you enjoy it!

Easy Peasy All in One

Ambleside Online

An Old Fashioned Education

Khan Academy

There are many online resources that can help homeschoolers for free. A quick internet search will reveal a variety of websites with helpful materials. One great resource is the website of the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA). HSLDA offers a variety of resources, including an online academy with more than 1,300 courses available at no cost. The website also has a library of articles and a blog with helpful tips.
Another great resource is the website of the National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI). NHERI provides research on homeschooling, as well as links to other resources.
One more great resource is the website of the American Association of Christian Schools (AACS). AACS provides accreditation for Christian schools, but they also have a wealth of resources for homeschoolers, including online classes and curricula.

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