Makeup Tutorial | How I’m dealing with Separation

Makeup Tutorial | How I’m dealing with Separation

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Publish Date:
7 November, 2022
Beauty and Makeup
Video License
Standard License
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Hey family welcome back, to those of you who have been praying for us and I really appreciate it. I wanted to do a makeup tutorial, I’ve been asked to this on a number of occasions. Also let me know the next video you want me to post, looking forward to staying so consistent through this process. I know someone is being helped through my set back and that’s more than enough. I’m well my kids are well and we have been in high spirits, I just ask that you continue to pray for my husband he is having a tough time dealing with this however I’m still hopeful for the future.

Follow me on tiktok I have 2 pages one for beauty, and one for inspiration:

#separation #marriageseparation #marriage #kingdomspouse #restoration #reconciliation #spiritualgrowth

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