The Atheist Experience 26.40 with Matt Dillahunty and Jim Barrows

The Atheist Experience 26.40 with Matt Dillahunty and Jim Barrows

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00:00 Intro
02:01 Mr. Warlights-AK | "Regular" Humans Believe In Spirits
09:42 Isaiah-(KR) | What Triggers Extreme Parental Reactions
21:02 Kevin-CA | Portal Spirits Of The Ascendent Plane Proves God
34:41 JB-CO | Philopshical Versus Methodological Naturalism
54:48 Jeremy-FL | Would A Coincidence Ever Be Enough To Convince You?
1:03:47 Darius-IL | Theists Aren't Real
1:10:31 Gary-PA | Tell Us You Don't Understand The Burden Of Proof In One Sentence
1:15:59 Chris-(SE) | Your Dad Is Just An Assertion
1:22:48 Phillip-PA | How To Tell If You're Receiving A Message From The Cosmos?
1:33:25 Matt's Final Message
1:34:09 Outro


Welcome back to the show! In today’s episode of the Atheist Experience, Matt Dillahunty is joined by Jim Barrows!

Mr. Warlights from AK starts off the show by accusing Matt of secretly believing in spirits because Matt is just a normal human like the rest of us, and regular humans all believe in spirits. You know, as opposed to all of the not regular humans who don’t?

Next is Isaiah from Korea who is calling to talk about the parental reaction to deconversion, or not sharing the religion of their parents, and why some parents react so harshly compared to others.

Kevin from CA is convinced that a God exists because they encountered portal spirits who showed them a plane of existence that mirrors our own reality.

JB from CO calls in to present problems they see with any reliance on naturalism regarding answering questions about our perceived reality.

Next up is Jeremy from Fl who asks our hosts if a coincidence would ever be enough to convince our hosts that there is a god or supernatural power controlling the universe.

Darius from CA claims to have an argument that will prove that no one really believes that a God exists. Care to explain how you managed to get into every person’s head?

Paul from PA doesn’t understand why Atheists get to ask Theists for evidence supporting their beliefs, but Theists can’t do the same for Atheists. Effectively, why don’t Atheists have a burden of proof?

Chris from Sweden proposes the Hitchens razor, “what can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence,” and attempts to nullify it with a weird example of Matt questioning his mother about who his father is.

Phillip from PA asks how someone would be able to discern the universe of some cosmic being sending you a message, or just something fabricated by your own mind.


The Atheist Experience is a weekly call-in internet show in Austin, Texas geared at a non-atheist audience. The Atheist Experience is produced by the Atheist Community of Austin.

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