Learning Another Language - Lectures on Polyliteracy I/1 - New Ways to Learn a Foreign Language

Learning Another Language - Lectures on Polyliteracy I/1 - New Ways to Learn a Foreign Language

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Publish Date:
28 September, 2022
Learning Languages
Video License
Standard License
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This is the first video in a series of five, designed to provide language learners with a systematic overview of what they can expect to encounter in learning a foreign language, and how to do so successfully. Chapter 1: The Language-Learning Problem 12:08
Chapter 2: Why Learn Foreign Languages? 17:51
Chapter 3: What are the Difficulties? 29:07
Chapter 4: Ways of Learning a Language 44:50

If you would like to participate in the discussion circle on Zoom this coming Friday the 5th of November, please fill out the contact form at https://alexanderarguelles.com

If you are in a position to support my efforts to share knowledge through these videos, please consider contributing at https://ko-fi.com/alexanderarguelles