How To Learn Any Language On Your Own

How To Learn Any Language On Your Own

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How do I learn a new language alone? How can I become fluent in a new language? How do I learn a new language fast? These are just a few of the question language learners ask themselves when thinking about learning a new language. The truth is if you are thinking about it, then you probably already can. You just need to be led in the right direction.

The process has been simplified and boiled down to a school subject by many mainstream academic institutions but they are not teaching languages the way they are meant to be taught. To learn a language to what many define as "fluency" is to be able to understand and communicate i.e. convert ideas into words and say or write them in the correct order in real time with little or no time think. This requires active recall and almost instantaneous responses like a professional athlete.

So just like how a Basketballer will shoot thousands of shots in training, to then score 40% of their shots in real games is seen as a success, a language learner should not aim for accuracy but instead refine their skills and be ready to perform spontaneously. It has to become muscle memory and this is done through repetition. When you see and use the same words and phrases over a long period of time you eventually train your brain to be good at remembering these words.

It is important to understand the concept because the learner can then design the learning process to fit their personality, learning style, and pick activities that they enjoy too. These activities can be integrated into daily life to create a consistent state of immersion.

This video gives a wide overview on self study and how it can be done by anyone on a basic budget. There are a lot of nuances involved but any good program has a beginning which is not overwhelming, a period of active study, and a period where the learner can interact with the language in a really compelling way. It should also be challenging at every stage, so neither too easy or too hard.

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