How 5 Polyglots Broke Language Learning

How 5 Polyglots Broke Language Learning

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We go back throughout history to learn from some of the world's most famous polyglots and hyperglots to share the techniques they used to learn many languages. The hope is that some of these techniques will help you become more fluent in Spanish or another language of interest.

Support the channel by trying my app to practice speaking in Spanish and other languages, on iPhone – LangTalk: 🚀

Corrections: My pronunciation of Pécs in the video is wrong. It should sound more like PAYTCH.
🚩 How I Became Fluent in Spanish NOT In 30 Days

🚩 What Spanish Classes at Harvard Were Actually Like

🚩 How I Would Learn Spanish in 2024 (If I Could Start Over)

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🚩 New York City, What Languages Do You Speak?

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About me
Hola a todos 👋🏽 I’m Jerry, I learned Spanish from 0 to fluent, have taken the Spanish C2 mastery exam, and I make videos to help you learn Spanish and connect to the people and cultures that surround this beautiful language. Whether you're just starting out or want to keep improving, I've got something for you, so come aboard and join this Spanish adventure! 🥂