Physiology of Singing: Hypernasality vs mask resonance (aka "PUT IT IN THE MASK, LOUISE!")

Physiology of Singing: Hypernasality vs mask resonance (aka "PUT IT IN THE MASK, LOUISE!")

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Publish Date:
17 July, 2023
Singing Lessons
Video License
Standard License
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Having issues with singing "in the nose" vs. singing "through the nose?" Or issues with your voice being too "nasal?" Or maybe your teacher/coach is saying to "put it in the mask" and you have no idea what they're talking about. Well, then, you've come to the right video...hopefully. It could be the wrong video if you don't like girls with partially blue hair talking really fast.

About me:
I am an opera singer with my MM in vocal performance. I also have recurrent nerve paresis. This injury went undiagnosed for several years. Throughout those years, I attributed much of my vocal trouble to technique issues, never imagining the problem really originated at the level of the vocal folds. The process of recovery has now led me to become a speech-language pathologist. I've completed my clinical MS and am currently pursuing a PhD in this field.

Disclaimer: Medical information on this site is presented for informational purposes only. It should not be used for diagnostic, evaluative, or treatment purposes. If you have a personal concern, please schedule an appointment with a medical professional in your area.

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