7 Best Breathing Exercises for Singing

7 Best Breathing Exercises for Singing

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Watch next for more breathing exercises for singing: https://youtu.be/XWFW6f4nvnA

Developing proper breath support and breath control is vital for singers.

In this tutorial, you'll learn a few of the best vocal exercises, tips and techniques to strengthen your breath.

The breathing exercises we'll cover include hissing, panting, and deep, diaphragmatic breathing.

It might sound silly or foreign at first, but incorporating these fun exercises into your routine will help you easily produce the sound you're going for.

Check out these related lessons!
-What it Means to Breathe from Your Diaphragm: https://youtu.be/iAcAFCl2CzQ
-Best Vocal Warm Ups for Singers: https://youtu.be/YsoLB1INnSw

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