Use Milk In The Garden And Be Ready For These 8 Surprises | Milk Uses

Use Milk In The Garden And Be Ready For These 8 Surprises | Milk Uses

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Publish Date:
21 September, 2022
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#milkusesingarden #surprisingmilkuses #balconygardenweb
Learn about the 8 amazing milk uses in the garden
backed by experiments and research!
1. Using Milk as Disinfectant
Here’s one way to use milk in the garden, as a disinfectant. According to
Michigan State University, Extension “Milk has been shown to be an effective
alternative disinfectant for greenhouse tools to prevent the manual transmission
of viruses.” Instead of using a toxic bleach solution to disinfect garden pruners
and scissors, dip them in milk to disinfect them.
2. As a Fungicide
Milk can be used successfully to fight against fungal diseases such as molds, rot
and powdery mildew.
Spraying a diluted mixture on the surface of plants’ leaves lowers their
susceptibility to fungal infestation. Milk is also a potent additive for improving
the adsorption of pesticides and preventing them from getting runoff by strong
winds and rain.
3. Home Remedy for Black Spots on Rose Bushes
Rose bushes are susceptible to black spots, caused by the fungus Diplocarpon
rosae that prefers warm, humid, and wet conditions. One way to tackle this
problem is by spraying diluted cow milk on the affected areas. The reason why
milk is so effective is that it contains lactoferrin, a potent bactericide, and
Use 1 part milk and 2 parts water to spray on roses once a week until the
problem persists.
4. Improves Soil Health
This ancient practice of using milk to improve soil health came into existence
again after a few positive reports surfaced online. According to research
conducted by the University of Vermont Extension, pastures subjected to milk
sprays attained healthy growth and stays disease-free even in the presence of
seasonal pathogens and destructive soil insects.
Additionally, application of milk enhanced the ability of soil to absorb air and
5. Milk as Fertilizer
As milk is a good source of calcium, you can use it to feed your plants
occasionally. This milk fertilizer can be used for vegetable plants like tomatoes,
peppers, and squash that suffer from blossom end rot.
If you have spare milk, use it diluted (50% milk and 50% water) to water your
plants around their base.
6. As a Cure for Blossom End Rot -- cut
Milk can be used to cure the problem of blossom end rot in tomatoes which
occurs due to lack of transportation of calcium to the plant from the soil. It can
be due to many factors like the lack of consistent moisture and dry soil.
Sprinkle a quarter to a half cup of powdered milk on top of the soil after
planting, and repeat every two weeks throughout the growing season.
7. Control Soft-Bodied Insects like Aphids
Milk can be used to control aphids. Research carried out by Punjab University,
India shows that the use of cow milk is effective against aphids, thrips, and
spider mites. According to the published post, milk in higher concentration was
detrimental to aphids.
Spray whole or after diluting with equal parts water on your plants.
8. Milk and Molasses for Your Garden
Do you know about the magic of milk and molasses in improving your garden?
Hungry, high production plants such as tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, melons,
will really benefit from the consistent feedings, giving you more production that
is more flavorful.
Mix together one cup of milk, 4 cups of water, and 2 tablespoon molasses and
spray during the growing season.
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