Java Tutorial for Beginners - Java Full Course

Java Tutorial for Beginners - Java Full Course

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In this course you will learn all the Core concepts of Java. This #Java Full Course helps you to become a Professional Java Programmer in no time. Learn Java in a very fun and interesting way with real-life examples.

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The course Topics:
0:00:00 Course Introduction
0:02:20 Useful Info About Java
0:04:17 Installing Java
0:06:42 How to add Java to the Path/System variables?
0:10:04 How to install Visual Studio Code?
0:11:17 The Anatomy of Java Program
0:22:55 Naming conventions in Java
0:24:06 Writing Your First Java Program
0:26:33 How to compile and execute a Java Program?
0:31:34 How does Java code get executed behind the scenes(under the hood)?
0:38:22 Interesting and funny facts about Java
0:40:14 How to create Comments in Java?
0:41:13 Variables in Java
0:51:35 Data Types(Primitive Types) in Java
1:06:38 Reference Types (Non-primitive Types) in Java
1:18:49 Strings in Java
1:27:43 What is the difference between Parameter and Argument?
1:31:33 Is String mutable or immutable in Java?
1:32:39 String methods in Java
1:40:31 Escape Sequences in Java
1:51:22 Arrays in Java
2:11:53 Multi-dimension arrays in Java
2:19:24 How to create Constant variables in Java?
2:21:59 Operators in Java
2:22:04 Arithmetic Operators or Arithmetic expressions in Java
2:27:25 Assignment Operators or Compound Operators or Augmented Operators in Java

2:32:33 Comparison Operators in Java
2:36:20 Logical Operators in Java
2:44:42 How can the order of logical expression impact the performance of your application?
2:47:36 Bitwise Operators in Java
2:49:21 How to convert integer or Decimal to Binary?
2:56:07 How to convert Binary to integer or Decimal?
2:57:03 Order of Operations in Java
2:59:41 Casting or Type Conversion in Java
3:02:12 Implicit type conversion or implicit casting in Java
3:06:40 Explicit type conversion or explicit casting in Java
3:08:17 Type conversion between non-compatible Types in Java
3:12:13 Example of Data Loss in type conversion
3:16:15 Math class or Math Library in Java
3:26:38 Formatting Numbers(Currency, percent,...) in Java
3:31:15 Reading / Getting User inputs from terminal in Java
3:40:15 Conditionals or if else statements in Java
3:47:58 Project: Weather reporter
3:55:25 Ternary operator (short-hand if else) in Java
4:02:01 Switch Statement in Java
4:08:53 Loops in Java
4:10:14 For Loop in Java
4:17:34 While Loop in Java
4:24:11 Do While Loop in Java
4:26:01 For Each Loop in Java
4:27:47 Break and Continue in Java
4:30:20 Blocks and Scopes in Java
4:37:34 Functions in Java
4:38:23 Project: Finding the Area of any circle in Java
4:53:43 Lambda Function in Java
4:55:28 The Return keyword in Java
4:56:19 What is the difference between Procedural programming and Object Oriented Programming?

4:58:22 Classes and objects in Java
5:05:58 Access Modifiers in Java
5:06:54 Constructor in classes in Java
5:11:56 Inheritance in classes in Java
5:23:04 Inheritance with Constructor in Java
5:26:53 How to prevent Inheritance in Java?
5:27:44 Project: Shopping Calculator
5:47:20 Handle Exceptions in Java
5:48:27 Regex or Regular Expression in Java
6:05:02 Best Practices and Important tips about programming
6:07:51 Final words and thanks
