The origins of language - how was language created?

The origins of language - how was language created?

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Publish Date:
21 August, 2022
Learning Languages
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How did language appear and how come humans are the only ones on the whole Earth to have it? The question of language origins is one of the biggest mysteries of human evolution. There is a countless amount of theories that try to explain it. Here I present my take on this problem. I based this video on the book by Svetlana Burlak (only available in Russian at the moment): Происхождение человека (автор Светлана Бурлак). A great book that explores all facets of the question of language origins, if you're able to, I urge you to read it.

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Music used:
Stardriver by ELFL
Fansi Pan by Yomoti
Your Vibe by Yomoti
Sumatra by Bonsaye
Daba by Balafola Suedi

#linguistics #evolution #humanevolution

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